15 Brands On Site At Machine Focus Examination Campaign Festival This November Fourteen To 17, 2019

Changan, Chevrolet, Ford, GAC, Honda, Isuzu, Kia, Maxus, Mitsubishi, Nissan, SsangYong, Subaru, Suzuki, Toyota, together with Volkswagen volition last amongst the exhibitors showcasing their lineups together with offering exam drives when the Auto Focus Test Drive Festival (AFTDF) opens its pre-Christmas edition at the SM MOA Concert Grounds inward Pasay City on Nov fourteen to 17, 2019.

Considered every bit the Philippines’ biggest outdoor exam drive event, together with next its summertime counterpart final May, the AFTDF is 1 time once again ready to supply a unique one-stop store chance for prospective car buyers together with enthusiasts to touch-and-feel together with drive together with ride a broad attain of competing brands together with models inward a unmarried venue. They tin too hold off the best sales offers together with financing deals to last offered during the period.

STV Chairman together with CEO Ray Butch Gamboa explained: “We bring been belongings events of this type since 2005 non alone for the create goodness of local manufacturers together with distributors, but to a greater extent than importantly, for the full general motoring together with car buying public. Buying a car together with selecting a detail model suited to one’s private purpose, preference, together with budget, is genuinely a tiring, time-consuming process. On needs multiple visits to diverse dealerships at unlike locations, exam driving together with comparison varying models, together with working out the best financing options. Usually these can’t last done inward a day, or fifty-fifty two. However, if the prospect is able to become to 1 unmarried venue, come across together with exam drive a broad attain of competing brands together with models, together with last assured he gets the best financing deals the manufacturers together with distributors tin offer, so the best house to become to would last our festival. Practically everything 1 has to create to purchase a model of selection tin conveniently last done at there. No to a greater extent than hopping from 1 dealer showroom to simply about other because all the exhibiting brands volition alone last a few steps from 1 another.”

The AFTDF is organized yesteryear Sunshine Television (STV) every bit business office of its annual trilogy of car manufacture service together with merit programs amongst the lately concluded Auto Focus People’s Choice Awards (AFPCA) together with Auto Focus Media’s Choice Awards (AFMCA).

Gamboa added: “This year, we’ve noted an influx of all-new model variants together with the entry of novel manufacture players. Many of these brands together with models volition last at the festival, along with those that won Auto Focus People’s together with Media’s Choice Awards.”

The pre-Christmas edition of the Auto Focus Test Drive Festival opens from xi AM to nine PM throughout its 4-day run at the MOA Concert Grounds along Seaside Avenue. Parking is available amongst the venue. Test drive participants tin larn the jeopardy to win prizes from choose exhibitors. Admission to the populace is free.