Toyota Motor Philippines Has A Innovation For All Those Hybrid Batteries

While nigh people focused on the shiny novel hybrid electrical vehicles on display at Toyota’s first-ever HEV Drive Expo, as well as how they tin aid trim back emissions as well as dependency on fossil fuels, there’s 1 thing that escaped nigh people, including Ms. public Philippines who was the invitee of honor: what’s going to hand off to all these batteries when it’s fourth dimension to fleck these cars?

Granted Toyotas are built to terminal a lifetime, the fact of the affair is these traction batteries are wear-and-tear items. Though Toyota Motor Philippines is generous plenty to offering an extended 5-year / 200,000-kilometer warranty, it’s withal going to intermission downwardly 1 day. So, what’s Toyota going to exercise then?

Well, tucked behind the glitzy displays is the answer: an End-of-Life invention for all those nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries.

Realizing that the increased involve for electrical vehicles (hybrid or otherwise), possible shortage of raw materials, as well as the increment inwards hazardous waste, Toyota is going to accept a three-prong approach which they officially call, “3R” or Rebuilt, Reuse, Recycle.

The first, Rebuilt, volition presently cause got Toyota offering re-manufactured battery assemblies which volition thus endure sold to dealers, as well as eventually, to customers. These assemblies volition endure significantly cheaper (just a 3rd of the cost) than opting for brand-new ones, as well as should aid continue battery electrical vehicles running for a long time.

The second, Reuse, volition cause got Toyota re-manufacturing the battery assemblies for purpose inwards other industries. These moderately deteriorated batteries, though non thus useful every bit a ability source for vehicles, are withal useful every bit issue energy storage solutions for things similar solar or current of air farms.

Finally, alongside Recycle, Toyota volition turnover the used battery assemblies where precious metals such every bit nickel as well as cobalt tin thus endure reused inwards the industry of novel vehicles. Of note: Toyota says NiMH batteries is to a greater extent than easily recyclable than its lithium-ion counterpart. The Philippines, similar Thailand, turns over whatever used traction batteries to TTK Logistics (Thailand) Co., which tin recycle upwards to 10,000 batteries a year. The precious metals extracted are thus used past times Toyota’s manufacturing found inwards Thailand to create novel vehicles.

As Toyota moves to electrify their vehicles inwards Southeast Asia (the carmaker has pledged to electrify its entire line-up inwards Thailand inwards 2025), it’s corking intelligence that the carmaker is straightaway putting plans inwards house to too visit the disposal as well as recycling of these potentially hazardous materials.

Here’s hoping that other carmakers who too invention to innovate their ain electrified vehicles exercise the same.