Can Buying A Fiat 124 Spider Grant You Lot Miata Guild Philippines Membership?

With the announcement that the FIAT 124 Spider is at i time available for monastic state locally, there’s i press affair on the minds of sportscar nuts out there: does it grant yous membership into Miata Club Philippines?

Established inward 1997, the Miata Club Philippines has the distinction of beingness i of the almost corporation automobile clubs inward the country. Their devolution to everything MX-5 (or if yous prefer its American name, Miata) is a mirror to Mazda’s unrelenting commitment to snuff it on its two-door, open-top sportscar every bit pure every bit possible. Of course, aspect merely about pretty strict fellow member requirements including the actual ownership of an MX-5—no “soon-to-be” or “previous” owners stragglers inward this bunch.

But at i time that Petromax Enterprise offers the FIAT 124 Spider (which is essentially a fourth-generation MX-5 alongside a dissimilar engine as well as merely about styling differences), volition going Italian grant yous membership to the club?

We reached out to electrical flow Miata Club Philippines President Ding Nera as well as he said: “The FIAT 124 Spider is non eligible to hold upwardly a MCP (Miata Club Philippines) member. However, the possessor as well as the 124 Spider tin flame hold upwardly invited to attend the monthly coming together at the pleasance of the Club President.”

So, at that spot yous guide maintain it: yous tin flame hold upwardly a dependent area of curiosity during their monthly meetings, but allow it hold upwardly reiterated that alone truthful as well as bonafide Mazda MX-5s tin flame snuff it a fellow member (by extension, if yous tumble out to import a Mitsuoka Rock Star, it is non eligible every bit well). And spell this sounds similar a rattling strict requirement, it truly helps the character of the monastic state inward check. It’s akin to a Subaru Club accepting a Toyota 86 into their plication merely because it’s a Subaru underneath, or a BMW Club allowing the Toyota GR Supra to bring together because it’s basically a Z4 underneath.