Toyota Motor Ph President Straightaway Knows: Our Populace Transportation Sucks

Metro Manila’s volume carry organization sucks. Almost everyone who uses a jeepney or MRT to become to in addition to from function knows it, but it’s only different when the observation comes from no less than the president of the country’s biggest carmaker.

During his get-go calendar week every bit the new Toyota Motor Philippines’s President, Atsuhiro “Hiro” Okamoto decided to run across in addition to experience for himself the struggles of a Filipino commuter. For that, he rode a bus, took a circular trip of the MRT, rode the jeepney, rode the UV Express (complete amongst the long expression times), in addition to took a tricycle ride to Tondo.

In the end, he said that the experience was a adept learning experience for him. Quoting Mr. Okamoto, “I realize that different Nihon or Singapore, the Philippines’s electrical flow volume carry organization is non plenty to conform the huge set out of daily commuters. I would similar Toyota to conduct maintain role inwards this large challenge to upgrade the character of life for many Filipinos.”

Part of “Genchi Genbutsu” (literally, “Go in addition to See”), it’s integral to the Toyota Way philosophy of straight observing a location, in addition to its weather condition inwards companionship to empathise in addition to solve whatsoever problems faster in addition to to a greater extent than effectively.

Okamoto-san is no stranger to Philippine route in addition to traffic conditions. Before his assignment every bit Toyota Motor Philippines President, he was the Executive Vice-President of Toyota Motor Asia Pacific. One of their major activities he participated inwards was the “5 Continents Drive.” This global campaign which sought to empathise how Toyota vehicles are used past times their customers on a daily the world drove through Metro Manila, Bulacan, Tarlac, La Union, Baguio, Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Zambales, in addition to and thus dorsum to Manila inwards 2019.