Volkswagen Says The Gearbox Of The Time To Come Volition Convey I Gear

Volkswagen believes that the futurity of the gearbox is this: a single-speed gearbox system. As the globe enters the era of e-mobility, VW understands that the nature of electrical motors fundamentally changes the agency ability is transmitted to the wheels. For that, they’ve developed the APP310 e-drive unit.

Found inwards the ID.3, VW’s so-called “next-generation people’s car,” this single-gear transmission is built past times Volkswagen Group Components inwards Kassel, Germany. According to the carmaker it’s versatile inwards to a greater extent than ways than one. For instance, the ultra-compact gearbox is quite compact, enabling engineers to easily gibe it to to a greater extent than vehicle types easily inwards the virtually futurity (it tin hold upwards fitted into the MQB architecture, for one). More importantly, despite having only i gear, it tin create out amongst all driving situations.

Volkswagen explains that because electrical motors convey their maximum torque available right away as well as stay constant over a broad arrive at of speeds, a single-drive gearbox is enough.

However, because an electrical motor needs to spin at really high speeds to accomplish its peak ability (up to 16,000 rpm inwards the illustration of the ID.3), a 10x transmission ratio must hold upwards used. However, realizing that using i cog mightiness number inwards a bulkier design, Volkswagen opted to role a two-stage blueprint amongst 2 smaller cogs, instead.

In addition, because an electrical drive is really quiet, Volkswagen doesn’t only cheque its 1-speed gearbox for manufacturing precision, but they also cheque them for relevant dissonance values, too!