Nissan To Stop Ph Manufacturing According To Sta. Rosa Metropolis Mayor

The decision of Honda Cars Philippines (HCPI) to destination local assembly may non live the last. Sta. Rosa City mayor Arlene Arcillas revealed that Nissan is next conform every bit well.

In a radio interview amongst DZMM computer program Dos-Por-Dos, Arcillas says that the metropolis council has already been made aware of Nissan Philippines’s conception to destination the industry of the Almera sub-compact sedan locally.

Unlike Honda though, Nissan plans to hold a presence inwards Sta. Rosa, only entirely inwards an assembly capacity. Arcillas says that the 3rd best-selling machine construct inwards the province volition gather vehicles using CKD kits imported from exterior the Philippines. This volition final result inwards Nissan having to downsize its workforce says Arcillas, only the number would non live every bit drastic compared to Honda’s determination to shutter its assembly which volition lay off to a greater extent than than 380 workers.

Currently, the Nissan Almera is built from the set down upward (including trunk panel stamping) at the Nissan Technopark inwards Sta. Rosa, Laguna past times Univation Motor Philippines (formerly Nissan Motor Philippines, Inc.).

Arcillas likewise says that the “Motor City of the Philippines,” volition stand upward to lose to a greater extent than or less 80-million pesos inwards annual trace organisation taxes from HCPI’s closure.

We bring reached out to Nissan Philippines regarding this. This even volition live updated amongst whatever novel information.