You Tin Sack Immediately Mass Your Side Yesteryear Side Victory Liner Trip Online

MovOn, Philippines’ outset mobile app for online motorcoach booking, announced together amongst Victory Liner a memorandum of understanding to render Victory Liner buses in addition to routes on its platform.

Edwin Lim, primary executive officeholder of MovOn, said its latest partnership amongst Victory Liner volition ensure ameliorate commuting, every bit to a greater extent than motorcoach lines larn available online.

“MovOn strives to convey unprecedented convenience to passengers planning to purchase motorcoach tickets on provincial motorcoach lines. Falling inward trouble at motorcoach stations volition hold out a affair of the yesteryear amongst MovOn every bit they straight off reserve seats using MovOn app,” explained Lim.

With MovOn, commuters may reserve seats from iii months upwards to exactly v days earlier their difference engagement yesteryear merely logging on to the mobile app, inputting their rootage in addition to destination, in addition to selecting their trip date. They tin in addition to hence select their preferred motorcoach trouble from the listing of motorcoach operators amongst trips that agree their routes in addition to trip date.

“Almost everyone is using their smartphones now, in addition to we, at MovOn, desire to adapt to how Filipinos remain connected. Our mobile app is an project design that helps Filipino commuters suit their travels inward a to a greater extent than convenient in addition to practical way. From reserving a topographic point to making payments, everything should hold out hassle-free,” he added.

Commuters may pay using whatever major credit or debit carte du jour or pay over-the-counter through the thousands of merchant partners nationwide.

MovOn is currently engaged amongst ix motorcoach companies that conduct operations in addition to buses that ply the areas of North Luzon, Central Luzon, South Luzon, in addition to Eastern Visayas.

Download the MovOn app on iTunes here or Google Play here.