The Blaupunkt Bp 7.1 Dash Cam Watches Your Driving Similar It Does Your Car

Dashcams are at nowadays dime a dozen—coming inwards all shapes together with sizes, prices together with features. So what sets the Blaupunkt BP 7.1 from the rest? Well, it keeps an oculus out non only on your car, but on your driving equally well.

Using its high-precision optics, the Blaunpunkt BP 7.1 goes beyond the usual dash cam functionality yesteryear offering Advanced Driver Assistance System or ADAS. Whether you’re inwards an entry-level sedan or fifty-fifty inwards a classic car, it at i time adds Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) together with Front Vehicle Start Alert (FVSA). If these features audio familiar, they should; it’s usually seen inwards high-end vehicles. LDWS warns the driver if it detects that you’re moving away from the lane. This is useful during long trips, or when you’re driving fatigued. Meanwhile, FVSA alerts yous when the automobile ahead is on the move; a handy characteristic during stop-and-go traffic.

Another agency the Blaupunkt BP 7.1 looks out for your automobile is through its 24/7 recording function. Other dashcams halt looking out i time the ignition’s off, but here, the BP 7.1 switches to its parking mode. It keeps an oculus out on your automobile yesteryear either continuously recording video inwards time-lapse (2 frames per second) or through smart motion detection. Whatever the setting, it helps deter theft or vandalism (or at to the lowest degree captures the culprit), specially when parking inwards vulnerable areas. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 depression voltage cut-off prevents the car’s battery accuse from getting also low.

Finally, setting the Blaupunkt BP 7.1 apart is the fact that it’s a two-channel dash cam. It simultaneously records footage of what’s ahead together with what’s behind the vehicle. With 230 degrees of visual protection (120 degrees inwards front, 110 degrees at the back) virtually goose egg escapes its view. And fifty-fifty inwards depression lite conditions, it tin capture pertinent details similar set out plates without the take away of whatsoever LED lite that tin travail unwanted windshield glare.

With Manila’s unpredictable traffic, it pays to move extra cautious. The Blaupunkt BP 7.1 is a smashing agency to cash inwards one's chips on an oculus out on your car, together with your ain well-being. Think of it non only equally your car’s built-in CCTV, but equally your driving motorcoach equally well. It’s 24/7 protection that gives yous extra peace of mind.

You tin cheque the technical nitty gritty below. For to a greater extent than information on the Blaupunkt BP 7.1, yous tin contact Blaupunkt Philippines through their Facebook page or mobile at +63 917 5754812

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