According To Lexus's Study, Luxury Volition Move Almost Experiences, Non Things

Lexus looks to the time to come equally they let out luxury trends based on its most recent research. As business office of their ongoing efforts to sympathize what luxury way to people, Toyota’s premium partitioning commissioned a study of to a greater extent than than 3,200 Americans from Gen Z to Baby Boomers. The upshot of the study is real interesting.

Luxury has e'er been nigh special character and, to a greater extent than recently, experiences over possessions. They are the unmarried most inherent features of luxury in addition to are the overstep “must-haves” for luxury brands, according to the study findings.

56 percentage of respondents experience that luxury is amend described equally a lifestyle of experiences than a collection of belongings. This tendency is projected to continue, equally 73 percentage of them believe that identifying luxury amongst experiences over asset volition hold out only as, if non more, of import inward the adjacent x years.

Indeed, looking to the future, successful luxury brands volition differentiate themselves amongst character experiences in addition to service, non only character products. 86 percentage of respondents expression luxury brands to render special experiences: from beingness highly responsive to customers’ needs, providing skilful support, in addition to focusing on the details; to the personal touch, such equally knowing the customer’s refer in addition to preferences in addition to fifty-fifty attending to the sensory, such equally scent, lighting in addition to mood.

Because of this, those surveyed believe that luxury brands should hold out able to cater to a score of personalization. Almost all (93 percent) experience that premium brands should permit them to construct special requests. In fact, to a greater extent than than one-half (51 percent) are hoping to come across additional tools in addition to excogitation supporting ways to customize their orders, especially online.

All this leads to respondents believing that luxury should become beyond what’s tangible. Around 51 percentage believe that luxury should hold out downward to personal enjoyment. One such personal luxury is “digital detox.” With the constant describe per unit of measurement area to e'er hold out “plugged in,” away fourth dimension from social media, news, email, in addition to the meshing is what respondents value now.

For the carmakers themselves, respondents believe that luxury brands should human action similar leaders on issues surrounding sustainability (71 percent). Surprisingly, they are forthwith opened upward to innovative materials to aid satisfy their demand for to a greater extent than sustainable manufacturing practices. In fact, nearly one-half (48 percent) expression to come across to a greater extent than master copy materials similar mistaken leather in addition to lab-grown diamonds inward the future.