Meet The Novel Expression Upwardly Of Hyundai: Bts

Meet the newest global ambassadors of Hyundai: BTS. After spending a twelvemonth every bit the global ambassador for Hyundai’s Palisade SUV, the K-Pop super group’s condition has been elevated to survive Hyundai’s global ambassador brand-wise.

Marking BTS’s novel status, the grouping arrived at the 62nd Grammy Awards inwards Los Angeles inwards the all-new hydrogen fuel jail cellular telephone Hyundai Nexo.

“The argue why Hyundai Motor has joined hands alongside BTS is to heighten awareness of hydrogen every bit an of import futurity unloose energy together with its sustainable application inwards mobility, every bit good every bit to strengthen communications alongside the millennial generation together with generation Z every bit environmentally witting partners,” said Wonhong Cho, Executive Vice President together with Chief Marketing Officer of Hyundai Motor. “Through various campaigns alongside BTS illustrating Hyundai Motor’s fuel-cell technological prowess, nosotros expression to attain a mutual agreement for eco-friendly, sustainable mobility alongside immature people, together with part various opinions alongside them.”

Hyundai’s tie-up alongside BTS is simple: they desire to tap the millennial together with Gen Z groups. Referring to those born betwixt the early on 1980s to the early on 2000s—this demographic grew upwards either alongside a practiced grasp of IT scientific discipline or largely grew upwards inwards a digital environs alongside a natural inclination for using digital tools.

The Korean carmaker says these immature generations are characterized past times peachy environmental awareness together with commitment to sustainable causes together with lifestyles, encompassing production together with consumption, together with anticipated to survive cardinal supporters of build clean unloose energy such every bit hydrogen.

BTS has gained explosive popularity some the earth for their music together with other social initiatives; together with their Hyundai Motor Global Brand Ambassadorship is expected to create a large social touching on some the earth via the company’s vision for eco-friendly together with sustainable mobility, specially at a fourth dimension when addressing climate alter is high on the agenda of policymakers together with corporate leaders alike.