Mg Philippines Right Away 24 Dealers Strong

Since MG came nether the distributorship of The Covenant Car Company, Inc. (TCCCI) inward Oct 2018, the brand’s nationwide dealership network has experienced a rapid expansion. In only over a year, MG Philippines has opened a full of xviii dealerships throughout Luzon, Visayas, as well as Mindanao.

Opening this year, MG Philippines announces the latest dealer principals to sign on demonstrating their trust as well as the confidence inward the MG brand, their products, the potential for growth, as well as the capable squad at TCCCI behind it all.

The newest dealer partners to sign on amongst MG are: Ark Diversified, Inc., The ANC Group, Advan Motor, Inc., Autohub Group, as well as Magnum Group, Inc.
  • Ark Diversified Inc., led past times its President as well as CEO Mr. Ray Jarina, brings years of commercial vehicle sales success. This fourth dimension around, the grouping continues that same success amongst the inauguration of MG Commonwealth inward Quezon City.
  • The ANC Group is widely considered equally 1 of the biggest as well as well-nigh influential local automotive groups. Under President as well as CEO, Anthony N. Cheng, the grouping is slated to opened upwards MG Makati to offering machine sales as well as aftermarket services inward a principal draw of piece of employment concern center.
  • Advan Motor Inc. as well as its President, Mr. Ramon Sison, volition pioneer MG’s expansion inward the eastern side of the Metro equally it opens MG Marikina.
  • The Autohub Group, along amongst President Mr. Willy Tee Ten, is geared to add together MG Shaw to its growing listing of auto dealers.
  • Magnum Group Inc., led past times Managing Director Mr. Eduardo Bangayan, graces the Zamboanga peninsula amongst the opening of MG Zamboanga—ensuring the brand’s expanded marketplace accomplish inward the southern Philippines.
  • Magnum Motors Corporation, nether its President as well as CEO Mr. Roger L. Chiu, launches MG Cagayan De Oro inward this burgeoning, high-potential, economically progressive city. 
Each dealership volition likewise endure equipped to amplify the aftersales offerings of MG Philippines, including parts, service, as well as client relations.

Throughout this year, MG Philippines volition decease on to grow its network of dealerships.