Mazda Wants Yous To Live On Creative Equally They Celebrate Their 100Th Anniversary

Mazda is reaching a milestone this year. On just Jan 30, 2020, the Hiroshima-based carmaker volition celebrate its 100th birthday.

Sadly, there’s all the same no cite on how the automaker intends to celebrate its centennial—global or local-wise (now would survive dandy fourth dimension to present off the all-new rotary-powered car), just for those who’re interested inwards taking a history lesson, a exceptional website has been setup that traces dorsum fundamental points inwards Mazda’s history. You tin flame banking firm jibe it out here.

Now, if you’re a Mazda possessor too would similar to portion a even out well-nigh your car, you lot tin flame post it on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter amongst the hashtags “#withMazda” too your vehicle’s model, say, “#Mazda3.” You tin flame too then survive featured on a department called, Mazda Stories inwards the Mazda 100th Anniversary site. You tin flame banking firm jibe the details here.

Finally, if you’re artistic enough, Mazda is allowing you lot to download the official 100 years logo inwards Adobe Illustrator format here which you lot tin flame too then purpose to create your ain memorabilia such equally shirts, stickers, or posters.

Take regime annotation though that usage of the logo is champaign of written report to to a greater extent than or less damage too weather condition (you can’t sell trade that uses the logo, for one), hence it’s best to banking firm jibe the fine impress earlier downloading or making to a greater extent than or less overnice merch.