Hino Philippines Aims To Bring 500 Modern Puvs Yesteryear The Terminate Of The Year

Hino Motors Philippines (HMP) closes the yr amongst to a greater extent than than 300 units of modernized PUVs turned over to unlike carry cooperatives nationwide. As 2020 approaches, the companionship remains steadfast inward its commitment to back upwards the government’s flagship computer program for the shipping industry.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pioneer supporter of the PUV Modernization Program (PUVMP) inward trouble amongst the government’s vision of a restructured, modern, well-managed as well as environment-friendly shipping organisation for the Filipinos, HMP has backup upwards the computer program since it was announced past times the Department of Transportation (DOTr) inward 2017 through planning as well as execution. Prior to the launch of the PUVMP, the DOTr hosted a one-day expo featuring modern PUV prototypes. There, Hino showcased its Class II as well as Class III air-conditioning as well as non-AC modernized jeepney prototypes during the said expo.

Hino besides joined the kickoff Modern PUV Caravan held at the Clark Economic Zone inward Pampanga. The companionship rolled out its kickoff laid of Class II PUVs to the Pateros-Fort Bonifacio Transport Service as well as Multi-Purpose Cooperative (TSMC) as well as Taguig Transport Service Cooperative (TSC), the kickoff 2 carry cooperatives to have modern PUVs from Hino, inward July 2018.

To date, Hino has established partnerships amongst xvi local carry cooperatives. The companionship has turned over a full of 364 modern PUV units nationwide. Most of these modern PUVs are already operating inward Metro Manila, as well as many convey reached other parts of Luzon, Visayas, as well as Mindanao.

Hino is laid to plow over to a greater extent than units this calendar month to accomplish its goal of 500 modernized PUVs turned over to carry cooperatives past times the destination of the year.

As the entirely local one-stop store for trucks as well as buses inward the Philippines, Hino is proud to offering its end-to destination services— from blueprint as well as evolution to manufacturing as well as spare parts supply— to the authorities as well as its carry cooperative partners. Hino’s modernized PUVs convey been awarded amongst a Certificate of Compliance from the DOTr for having passed the Philippine National Standards (PNS)’s dimension requirements as well as other standards laid past times the national government.

Hino PUV units come upwards inward 2 variants--Class II as well as Class III inward air-conditioning as well as non-AC versions. The Hino Class II PUV is designed similar the touchstone jeepney amongst side-facing rider seats. The jeepney tin adapt standing passengers to maximize capacity. The Class III model is an air-conditioned mini bus-type amongst front-facing rider seats amongst seatbelts. Both PUV types tin adapt 23 to xxx passengers. Powered past times Euro four engines, these modern PUVs are laid to deliver safe, efficient as well as sustainable shipping for Filipinos.

As Hino enters 2020, the companionship hopes to strengthen the presence of its PUVs inward Metro Manila as well as other parts of the country.