Philippines Is A Peak Contributor To Nissan's Global Growth

Nissan inward the Philippines was awarded the Nissan Global Award for financial twelvemonth 2019 equally a overstep contributor to the automotive brand’s growth.

The Nissan Sta. Rosa dealership likewise received a Nissan Global Award for dealers, equally the exclusively dealership inward the province to become the accolade for this year.

The annual awards were given to national sales companies together with dealers based on criteria such equally novel car sales volume, increment inward marketplace percentage together with achieving trouble concern plans for client satisfaction inward sales together with aftersales. H5N1 full of 8 national sales companies together with 161 dealers received this year’s awards.

“We are genuinely honored to have this recognition. This accolade is a lawsuit of our rigid fundamentals inward our products together with services. We are grateful for the difficult live on together with dedication of our people inward NPI together with our dealer network, particularly Nissan Sta. Rosa for achieving international distinction,” said Atsushi Najima, president together with managing manager for Nissan inward the Philippines.

In 2018, Nissan achieved a 58 per centum increment versus the previous financial year, earning it the championship for the fastest growing automotive companionship inward the country. As of Oct 2019, Nissan holds a 12.15 per centum marketplace share, solidifying it equally the 3rd biggest auto build only behind Toyota (43.25 percent) together with Mitsubishi (17.07 percent).