Nissan Starts Upgrading Its Plants To Ameliorate Quality, Efficiency

As carmakers come upwards to grips alongside a fast-changing landscape, Nissan is investing big to upgrade its assembly facilities to a greater extent than or less the globe to brand them to a greater extent than flexible, efficient, together with sustainable. And the get-go to practise goodness is Nissan’s Tochigi Plant inwards Nippon which received a 33 billion-yen ( P 15.72 billion) upgrade.

With Nissan’s next-generation of cars beingness electrified, intelligent, together with connected, it adds complexity to pattern together with construction, requiring advancements inwards production engineering. One such advancement is the “universal powertrain mounting system,” which uses an automated pallet to mountain the entire powertrain at i time (as opposed to installing components inwards sequence). This automated pallet tin sack mountain 27 combinations encompassing traditional internal combustion, e-Power, together with pure electrical drivetrains.

Moreover, Nissan is bringing inwards to a greater extent than specialized robots to its manufacturing, replacing tasks which were i time done manually past times trained craftspeople. This includes the application of a paste-like cloth to seal the seams to a greater extent than or less the vehicle trunk to forestall H2O intrusion. Increased robotics besides makes factories an easier house to work. For instance, the headliner, which was installed manually earlier tin sack instantly live installed automatically past times a specialized robot.

Finally, Nissan has implemented changes to its epitome process. Previously, automobile bodies must live painted at high temperatures, because the viscosity of pigment is difficult to command at lower temperatures. By contrast, bumpers are made of plastic, then they demand to live painted at depression temperatures. This requires ii split epitome processes for i vehicle. Now, Nissan has developed a water-based pigment that maintains the correct viscosity at depression temperatures, then that bodies together with bumpers tin sack live painted together. This volition cutting carbon dioxide emissions from the procedure past times 25 percent. Nissan volition besides role a water-free epitome booth that makes it possible to collect all waste materials pigment together with reuse it inwards other production processes.

Since 1933, Nissan has honed its mightiness to mass-produce vehicles to the highest possible standards. This latest investment represents a necessary rethinking of conventional automobile making together with tackles the structural together with technical challenges of producing vehicles that volition Pb the manufacture inwards a novel era of electrification together with intelligence.