Long Omnibus Trip This Vacation Season? Remain Connected Alongside Victory Liner Buses

In fourth dimension for the vacation rush, Globe Business, the company arm of Globe Telecom announces that 1,044 Victory Liner motorcoach units are at in 1 lawsuit equipped amongst the telco giant’s Boost Data Plan allowing commuters the convenience of a fast together with reliable cyberspace connector fifty-fifty when on the move.

“We continuously improve our operations to accomplish a degree of excellence that is comparable across the carry industry,” said Marivic del Pilar, Victory Liner Vice President for Finance together with Marketing. “We know how of import comfort together with value for coin is for our customers, thence nosotros lay our trust inwards Globe Business to assist us deliver a differentiated together with one-of-a-kind locomote experience.”

Globe Business Senior Vice President Peter Maquera on the other manus said: “We are thrilled together with privileged to accept been chosen past times Victory Liner equally their partner for their digital transformation journey. We are really excited for the partnership together with nosotros await forwards to the unlike ways Globe Business tin assist grow their concern through the services that they availed from us.”

Victory Liner, Inc. is 1 of the nearly recognized motorcoach companies inwards the Philippines. As the society celebrates 75 years of service together with breakthroughs inwards shipping together with loose energy sources, Victory Liner continues to alive its vision of existence “the carry society of choice” together with to “move people amend together with safer past times providing character carry service.”

Globe Business continues to redefine how businesses work—which goes beyond functions, numbers, together with performance. It equally good enables its clients together with partners to catapult their enterprises to success past times providing the correct technology, infrastructure, together with know-how to practise a positive touching together with transform people’s lives.