Low Maintenance, Slowly Ownership Brand The Volkswagen Santana The Novel Go-To Companionship Car

Companies are straight off turning to the Volkswagen’s Santana MT for their fleet accounts. At P 686,000, it’s non only affordable, but because it’s 100 per centum High German quality, it offers a depression cost of maintenance.

This year, dwelling retail giant CW Home Depot acquired ix Santanas to grow its VW fleet to 17. What inspired CW Home Depot to expand their Santana MT fleet is the once a yr or every 10,000 kilometers, whichever comes first, periodic maintenance service (PMS) interval schedule—a genuinely convenient offering allowing them to focus on driving their problem organisation forward. The longer interval gives them to a greater extent than fourth dimension to curlicue their Santana fleet on the route without whatever worry.

* Blaupunkt headunit is a dealer option.

Staying truthful to providing a trouble-free ownership, Volkswagen Philippines every bit good offers an unrivaled warranty coverage, giving a three-year pigment in addition to chief steel trunk construction warranty on transcend of the comprehensive iii years or 100,000-km warranty on every Santana sold. This comprehensive warranty bundle made MAN Automotive Concessionaires Corporation (MACC), the companionship that distributes MAN trucks in addition to buses inwards the Philippines, bring together the listing final yr in addition to introduced Santana MT to its growing companionship fleet. MACC is every bit good impressed amongst the Santana’s touchstone security features that include dual SRS airbags, in addition to ABS amongst EBD.

On the road, VW Santana MT’s 1.4-liter MultiPoint Injection (MPI) four-cylinder engine allows polish driving only about the Metro spell ensuring first-class fuel economic scheme amongst its five-speed manual transmission—a huge summation for premier car-rental companionship Diamond Rent-a-Car (DRAC), which acquired xi units next Santana’s arrival inwards May 2018, to render their customers a smooth in addition to reliable ride. Santana every bit good offers the comfort Volkswagens are known to a greater extent than amongst its cozy seats in addition to roomy interior.

With a starting cost of exclusively P 686,000, Santana MT provides the classic in addition to luxurious High German craftsmanship that genuinely acquire far a Volkswagen. Moreover, it offers a painless ownership sense without costing a fortune—and this offers you lot in addition to your companionship novel ways to save.

To larn to a greater extent than well-nigh the novel Santana, take in the Volkswagen website, its nationwide network of nine dealers, in addition to Like the official Volkswagen Philippines Facebook page.

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