Ford, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Ducati Halts European Production

As Europe becomes the newest hotspot for COVID-19, several automakers are instantly shutting downwards either due to provide chain constraints or every bit a precautionary mensurate to curb the spread of the disease. After Lamborghini together with Ferrari (as good every bit Pirelli together with Brembo) announced production suspensions, Volkswagen, Ford, together with Ducati are instantly doing the same.

For Volkswagen, it entails a two-week interruption starting today. Initially, production facilities inward Wolfsburg, Emden, Dresden, Osnabrück, Zwickau, Bratislava (Slovakia), Pamplona (Spain), together with Palmela (Portugal) are affected, every bit good every bit the Components plants at Brunswick, Chemnitz, Hanover, Kassel, Salzgitter together with SITECH.

Ford is likewise doing the same for its facilities across Europe. The Ford vehicle manufacturing sites inward Cologne together with Saarlouis inward Germany, together amongst the Craiova facility inward Romania, volition temporarily stop production from Thursday, March 19. Ford’s Valencia assembly together with engine facility inward Kingdom of Spain already temporarily halted production from Monday, March 16, afterwards 3 workers were confirmed amongst coronavirus over the by weekend.

Meanwhile, Groupe PSA has decided to unopen its vehicle production sites at to the lowest degree until the cease of adjacent week. The bring upwards fellowship of Peugeot volition shutter its entire European manufacturing footprint amongst plants inward France, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, together with Slovakia all affected.

Finally, Ducati is likewise shutting downwards production until adjacent calendar week at its establish inward Borgo Panigale inward sum compliance to the Italian government’s guidelines against the spread of COVID-19.