Petron Assures Of Adequate Fuel Provide Despite Enhanced Community Quarantine

Petron Corporation is assuring its consumers that at that topographic point volition live on a continuous provide of stone oil products every bit the entire nation steps upward its struggle against COVID-19.

Petron President too CEO Ramon S. Ang said that the society volition besides brand certain that at that topographic point is plenty fuel peculiarly for vital industries to popular off on the economic scheme running.

“So far, our entire provide chain is working overtime to ensure that plenty products are produced at our refinery. Vessels are continuously loaded too thus that our terminals are filled, too tank truck operations rest consistent. We are besides trying our best to popular off on every bit many of our stations opened upward too filled every bit possible spell putting the security too well-being of our employees first,” Ang said.

Petron is Philippines’s largest refiner providing most xxx per centum of the country’s stone oil requirements through its 180,000 barrel-per-day Bataan refinery, xxx terminals, too over 2,400 stations nationwide.

“Let me reiterate that at that topographic point is no involve to panic. We volition pace upward too nosotros volition instruct through this together. In these critical times, residue assured that basic necessities volition live on delivered too our brave front end liners volition hit their destinations,” added Ang.

He emphasized that the wellness too security of its people rest its exceed priority. Petron has widely implemented a work-from-home set-up for its Luzon-based offices. Meanwhile, those working on the front end line—its office-based skeletal force, service station personnel, tank truck drivers, too helpers are guided yesteryear the necessary protocols to ensure their wellness too safety.

The oil manufacture is amid those granted exemption yesteryear the authorities from the Luzon-wide Community Quarantine. At this point, Petron has fully activated its Business Continuity Plan, taking into consideration all possible scenarios.