Isuzu Ph Offers 30-Day Warranty Extension, Pms Grace Catamenia During Quarantine Period

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 calendar week into the community quarantine, Isuzu Philippines Corporation is next the atomic number 82 of Mazda, Honda, Toyota, together with Ford inwards extending its warranty together with offering a grace menstruation for those who missed or volition lady friend their Periodic Maintenance Service (PMS).

In an official proclamation posted on their social media accounts, Isuzu says:
“All Isuzu vehicles nationwide amongst scheduled Periodic Maintenance Service (PMS) inside the quarantine menstruation volition travel provided amongst a 30-day grace menstruation from its required PMS interval date. Similarly, all Isuzu vehicles amongst warranty coverage lapsing thereof volition travel given a 30-day extension.”
For to a greater extent than information close this, Isuzu owners are encouraged to ship them at electronic mail at: customer-relations [at]