Kia Appoints Novel President To Accelerate Ev, Self-Driving Machine Efforts

Kia Motors Corporation volition cause got a novel president. Ho-sung Song, currently Kia’s Head of Global Operations Division volition accept over on Apr 1.

In his novel capacity, Mr. Song volition spearhead the advancement of “Plan S,” the company’s mid- to long-term strategy aimed at progressively establishing a leadership seat inwards the time to come automotive industry. The innovation includes a shift away from traditional internal combustion powered vehicles to pure electrical ones equally good equally strides inwards autonomous driving technology.

Part of Kia’s concrete goals nether “Plan S” is to cause got a amount line-up of xi battery electrical vehicles past times 2025, accomplish a 6.6 per centum of the global EV marketplace (excluding China), piece besides having 25 per centum of its global sales from eco-friendly vehicles.

Kia says Mr. Song’s extensive sense across the automotive value chain equally good equally his expertise inwards overseas operations volition survive tremendous assets inwards the company’s transition to time to come businesses.

Prior to his electrical flow seat equally Head of Global Operations, Mr. Song has been successful inwards a broad array of leadership roles, ranging from President of Kia Motors Europe, together with Head of Kia Motors Corporation Export Planning Group.

Mr. Song volition supplant Han-woo Park who volition remain on inwards an advisory business office inside Kia. Park may peradventure instruct the business office of CEO inwards the automaker.