Geely's Covid-19 Marketing Is Getting Out Of Hand

There are neat measures to comprise the spread of COVID-19 such equally Work from Home (WFH), proper personal hygiene, regular sanitation, in addition to social distancing; in addition to hence at that topographic point are useless gimmicks similar this.

Geely was on the correct rail inwards communicating how they’re fighting illness using their advanced air filtration system in addition to fifty-fifty implementing stringent wellness checks on anyone entering whatever of their plants. But the visit of drones delivering your machine keys? Sorry, we’re non sold on this.

Just to live on clear, the motive behind this is great—it furthers the distance betwixt Geely’s staff in addition to a potential COVID-19 carrier, sorry, customer. But having drones dropping off machine keys straight to an owner’s door or balcony is merely adding merely about other potential work inwards the already complicated machine buying experience. What if the drone drops it off past times error at the incorrect door/balcony? What if the drone fizzles out in addition to drops the key, or loses it midflight? What if the client insists on having the cardinal placed at the palm of his hand, in addition to instead has his fingers lopped off? Boy, those are potential Weibo complaints waiting to happen.

Sorry Geely, but nosotros intend you’ve taken this entire COVID-19-related marketing agency likewise far. We honey yous in addition to all, but please, dial it dorsum to something a tad to a greater extent than realistic?