Slex To Railroad Train Priority Lanes For Basic Goods, Emergency Services

SMC Tollways has assigned priority lanes at the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) to ensure efficient delivery of basic goods together with emergency wellness services to together with from Metro Manila together with neighboring provinces inward the south.

San Miguel Corporation (SMC) President together with COO Ramon S. Ang said these priority lanes along SLEX volition ensure the unimpeded menstruation of delivery trucks that behave basic goods to diverse areas, raw materials to production facilities equally good equally vehicles that convey medical personnel, equipment, together with supplies.

“We are doing this to guarantee that essential deliveries accomplish their finish equally smoothly together with speedily equally possible,” Ang said, adding that “These same lanes tin post away likewise survive used past times emergency wellness vehicles to speedily teach to places inward demand of medical attention,” he added.

For faster processing of vehicles, companies are advised to cook the government-required cargo documents together with for delivery personnel to follow checkpoint procedures.

PNP’s inspection teams are located earlier the Susana Heights run out (southbound) together with along the Alabang-Filinvest Interchange earlier SLEX Alabang northbound exit. These inspection teams, similar inward other areas inward the country, were established to preclude the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Earlier, SMC Tollways likewise announced security measures to protect both motorists together with tollway employees. These include the availability of alcohol dispensers at all cost plazas together with SMC Tollways facilities, the wearing of aspect upwards masks together with surgical gloves past times tellers together with traffic personnel, together with the sanitation of cost booths together with patrol vehicles earlier together with afterward each shift.

To preclude contamination together with hasten traffic flow, SMC Tollways is encouraging the role of RFID facility to trim the conduct chances of contamination together with hasten traffic menstruation going inward together with out of Metro Manila.