Updated: Toyota Fiscal Services Extends Machine Loan Payment Past Times Xxx Days

UPDATE: Toyota Motor Philippines has released guidelines. See below (3/20).

In low-cal of the electrical flow COVID-19 situation, Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corporation TFSPH has taken the atomic number 82 in addition to given eligible customers a 30-day payment extension.

In an advisory, TFSPC said:
“Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corporation values the wellness in addition to security of our customers. In low-cal of the electrical flow COVID-19 province of affairs our province is facing, nosotros would similar to supply assistance to our customers. 
We volition hand a 30-day payment extension to all qualified accounts. Eligible customers volition travel notified past times SMS inwards the coming days. 
Should you lot select to settle your monthly amortization on your master due date, you lot may create so.”
Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corporation’s deed echoes similar moves done past times banking giants such every bit BDO which is offering upwards to a 60-day payment extension for qualified car loan accounts.

TFSPH is role of Toyota’s sales finance companies. It’s owned lx per centum past times Toyota Motor Corporation, in addition to twoscore per centum past times GT Capital Holdings, Inc.

Guidelines on the 30-Day Payment Extension
  • The 30-day payment extension volition rootage from March xviii to Apr 18, 2020. Accounts due inside the 30-day menses volition non incur punishment charges. Payments is deferred during the extension menses summation the next month’s amortization should travel settled on or earlier the side past times side due date.
  • Accounts enrolled through the Auto-Debit Payment method volition non travel charged inside the 30-day payment extension. However, accounts volition travel debited afterwards Apr 18, 2020.
  • Post-dated checks issued inside the 30-day payment extension volition non travel credited. PDCs should travel funded on or earlier the side past times side due date.
  • The deferred amortization summation the next month’s amortization should travel paid on or earlier the side past times side due date.
  • Current in addition to unpaid accounts every bit of March 18, 2020 are qualified for the 30-day extension period.
  • TFSPH does non permit restructuring. The 30-day payment extension is a TFSPH initiated plan to extend assistance to their clients during the enhanced community quarantine period.
  • Unfortunately, payments received prior volition non travel credited dorsum to accounts.