Phoenix Stone Oil Donates Lpg, Fuel For Covid-19 Response

Phoenix Petroleum, the offset independent oil fellowship in addition to the fastest-growing in addition to leading independent oil fellowship inwards the Philippines, of late made known efforts it has undertaken to bring together the struggle against COVID-19.

Henry Fadullon, Phoenix Chief Operating Officer said, “We saw what was happening, nosotros were role of what was happening, in addition to it would live on a shame to non create anything, every bit an individual, in addition to every bit a Filipino fellowship to aid inwards the COVID-19 efforts.”

In the by calendar week alone, Phoenix donated Super LPG tanks to the community kitchen programme of the Pasig City local government, an first to render sustenance to the countless wellness workers in addition to other front end liners working tirelessly inwards the efforts to halt the spread of COVID-19.

In addition, Phoenix has committed to donate 7,000 liters of fuel to Grab Transport inwards guild to render gratis transportation to wellness workers starting the 21st of March due to the absence of populace majority transportation in addition to to augment the private efforts of the diverse local authorities units.

“What nosotros are doing echoes what the UDENNA Foundation CommUnity Care programme has rallied us to create to maximize all our efforts, efforts of UDENNA companies, to feed, protect, in addition to carry our community inwards our belief that all efforts, no affair how pocket-size tin rank the sack Pb to amend lives for the Filipino,” Fadullon added.