Mazda To Suspend Production Inwards Japan, Thailand Due To Parts Shortage

In reply to the global spread of COVID-19, Mazda has decided to adapt production at their production facilities globally inwards consideration of difficulties inwards parts procurement, plummeting sales inwards overseas markets, together with the incertitude of futurity markets.

Mazda plans to suspend production for thirteen days together with operate day-time shifts alone for 8 days at the Hiroshima Plant together with Hofu Plant starting March 28 until Apr 30. Mazda intends to transfer component division of the production originally scheduled for this catamenia to the minute quarter of the financial yr ending March 2021 or after spell monitoring how the province of affairs develops. During this period, administrative operations volition hold upwardly undertaken every bit usual.

For overseas plants, Mazda de United Mexican U.S. of A. Vehicle Operation volition halt production starting from March 25 spell AutoAlliance Thailand (AAT)—the Philippines’s source for the BT-50 together with Mazda2 volition likewise suspend production from March 30. The stoppage volition final for close 10 days.

Despite the establish shutdown, Mazda volition conk along its sales operation, but volition abide past times each respective country’s policies aimed to foreclose the spread of the virus. Prevention measures such every bit teleworking (work from home) together with sterilization at Mazda offices together with dealerships are beingness done.

For its part, Bermaz Auto Philippines, the exclusive distributor of Mazda vehicles inwards the province assures its customers that they direct maintain ample stocks of novel vehicles together with spare parts that volition final them “several months” inwards fourth dimension for when Mazda plants inwards Nippon together with Thailand larn dorsum online.